It may surprise you to learn, that the wren is the most abundant breeding bird in the U.K. with an estimated population of about 10 million breeding pairs. Around the world there is said to be around 80 species of wrens, and here in the U.K there are four subspecies, these are found on St Kilda and on the Fair Isle, two are lighter than the mainland birds and two are darker.
In Britain they are one of our smallest birds, at 9.5 cm and weighing just 10g (about the weight of a £1 coin) it has for certain one of the most explosive singing voices. They are restless and excitable bird which gives out a loud tic-tic-tic and aloud trill, to the point where their little bodies vibrate, these calls often are made by the male to defend their territory.

Its Latin name is Troglodytes troglodytes deriving from the ancient Greek, trogle meaning 'hole' + dyein meaning 'to enter', or a 'cave-dweller. This is a reasonable description as wrens have the tendency to enter small nooks and crannies searching for food.
They will often nest in your garden in dense vegetation and prefer the cover of ivy and other creepers. They will only build a nest where there is a suitable site with good food supplies. Males build several nests, the female will then choose her favourite and go on to line it with feathers. Unlike the open topped nests of other garden birds such as blackbirds and tits, the wren's nest resembles a ball like structure.
Severe winters are devastating for this species, as many as eight out of ten can die. To combat severe weather, some roost communally, and rumours are said that over 60 have been known to share a standard nest box, cuddled up together. This behavior acts as a life saver as they could lose as much as half their body weight over winter. If you find a Wren nest don’t remove it, it may be used a little later on. In particular, leave any found after September undisturbed for winter roosting. Try adding an open-fronted bird box to your wall in your garden? Once foliage has grown over to cover it you may find wrens will nest there. Alternatively you could try using an old kettle or teapot as a nest, just hang it in the ivy.
Survival can depend on
moving to an area where there are better food supplies. Sometimes, when it comes to our gardens, we seem to cater for the seed eaters, but not insect eaters. Due to the fact that these little birds enjoy live food especially spiders, which are often in short supply over the winter months, it is important that they are fed plenty, they enjoy suet and fat and try sprinkling a little grated cheese under your hedges and around your garden to attract them.
Photographs by L.Warren
In Britain they are one of our smallest birds, at 9.5 cm and weighing just 10g (about the weight of a £1 coin) it has for certain one of the most explosive singing voices. They are restless and excitable bird which gives out a loud tic-tic-tic and aloud trill, to the point where their little bodies vibrate, these calls often are made by the male to defend their territory.
Its Latin name is Troglodytes troglodytes deriving from the ancient Greek, trogle meaning 'hole' + dyein meaning 'to enter', or a 'cave-dweller. This is a reasonable description as wrens have the tendency to enter small nooks and crannies searching for food.
They will often nest in your garden in dense vegetation and prefer the cover of ivy and other creepers. They will only build a nest where there is a suitable site with good food supplies. Males build several nests, the female will then choose her favourite and go on to line it with feathers. Unlike the open topped nests of other garden birds such as blackbirds and tits, the wren's nest resembles a ball like structure.
Severe winters are devastating for this species, as many as eight out of ten can die. To combat severe weather, some roost communally, and rumours are said that over 60 have been known to share a standard nest box, cuddled up together. This behavior acts as a life saver as they could lose as much as half their body weight over winter. If you find a Wren nest don’t remove it, it may be used a little later on. In particular, leave any found after September undisturbed for winter roosting. Try adding an open-fronted bird box to your wall in your garden? Once foliage has grown over to cover it you may find wrens will nest there. Alternatively you could try using an old kettle or teapot as a nest, just hang it in the ivy.
Survival can depend on
Photographs by L.Warren
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